Dear Members,
EDTC 2024 Annual Meeting is going to be held in Lucerne, Switzerland on 04-05-October 2024.
Membership fee
There are some members who owe membership fees and I kindly remind you the detail about bank account that the membership fees should be transferred to. Please contact to EDTC treasurer Mr. Phil Crombie (philip.crombie(a) if you need a receipt prior or after the transfer of 50 Euro membership fee. Please indicate your full name and country when you are transferring the membership fee.
Bank: Danske Bank
Beneficiary: European Diving Technology Committee
IBAN: SE 47 1200 0000 0125 9016 9019
The European Diving Technology Committee (EDTC) came into being in March 1973 as a result of an initiative taken by the United Kingdom’s Society for Underwater Technology (SUT).